Upgrading Transparent Proxy

The core iptables rules applied by Kuma’s transparent proxy rarely change, but occasionally new features may require updates. To upgrade the transparent proxy on Universal environments, follow these steps:

Step 1: Cleanup existing iptables rules (conditional)

If you’re upgrading from Kuma version 2.9 or later, and you have not manually disabled the automatic addition of comments by setting comments.disabled to true in the transparent proxy configuration, this step is unnecessary.

Starting with Kuma 2.9, all iptables rules are tagged with comments, allowing Kuma to track rule ownership. This enables kumactl to automatically clean up any existing iptables rules or custom chains created by previous versions of the transparent proxy. This process runs automatically at the start of the installation, eliminating the need for any manual cleanup beforehand.

To manually remove existing iptables rules, you can either restart the host (if the rules were not persisted using system start-up scripts or firewalld), or run the following commands:

These commands will remove all iptables rules and all custom chains in the specified tables, including those created by Kuma as well as any other applications or services.

iptables --table nat --flush         # Flush all rules in the nat table (IPv4)
ip6tables --table nat --flush        # Flush all rules in the nat table (IPv6)
iptables --table nat --delete-chain  # Delete all custom chains in the nat table (IPv4)
ip6tables --table nat --delete-chain # Delete all custom chains in the nat table (IPv6)

# The raw table contains rules for DNS traffic redirection
iptables --table raw --flush         # Flush all rules in the raw table (IPv4)
ip6tables --table raw --flush        # Flush all rules in the raw table (IPv6)

# The mangle table contains rules to drop invalid packets
iptables --table mangle --flush      # Flush all rules in the mangle table (IPv4)
ip6tables --table mangle --flush     # Flush all rules in the mangle table (IPv6)

Step 2: Install new transparent proxy

After clearing the iptables rules (if necessary), reinstall the transparent proxy by running:

kumactl install transparent-proxy [...]

This command will install the new version of the transparent proxy with the specified configuration. Adjust the flags as needed to suit your environment.